Tickets to the SNUG September 2024 Annual Workshop in Christchurch are now on sale.

Just as a recap, the SNUG workshop will be held on September 5th & 6th, with a tech tour and trade show on the afternoon of Wednesday 4th September.

The venue this year is the Great Hall at The Arts Centre - more details here

Tickets are available now, with earlybird tickets are available until 14 August. Get in early and don't pay more than you have to! Even better, get in and purchase your tickets this financial year!!

Like last year, we also have the option of virtual attendance by Microsoft Teams. You need to acquire a free ticket through the online ticketing system. So please ensure you follow the booking link, and choose the free Virtual Delegate option.
Your ticket will contain the required information to join the workshop remotely.

To see more details, and to book your tickets, please click here. Since 2019, we have used Trybooking for our ticketing, which allows us to do multiple bookings at the same time, along with other ticketing options.

The SNUG workshop is a great opportunity to share what you've been doing with the signals community. If you have something interesting to present, please contact Steve Wright or Alex Lumsdon to show us all what you've been up to.

The annual SNUG workshop is a great chance to get together with other people who work in the signals industry. This includes contractors, consultants, designers, legislators, and RCA staff.

Credit Card payment is the only method of payment for the SNUG workshop. Please have your credit card handy when you book.

From SNUG Chair Jeff Greenough, and the rest of the SNUG committee, we look forward to seeing you in Christchurch in September.

Get Your Tickets Here

SNUG Workshop Christchurch - REMEMBER TO SAVE THE DATE

Exhibition & Networking - September 4
SNUG Workshop 2024 – September 5 & 6
Following on from the hugely successful SNUG held last year in New Plymouth, the SNUG Committee are pleased to announce advance notification of the 2024 SNUG Workshop. The SNUG Committee has elected to hold the event in Christchurch, over two days on the 5th and 6th of September, with an industry exhibition and technical tour in the afternoon of the 4th.
More details of the exhibition, and how to become an exhibitor, will be announced over the next few months.
SNUG is a subgroup of the Engineering NZ Transportation Group with the objective of "bringing about the advancement of the fundamental knowledge of the art, science and practice of design, operation and maintenance of traffic signals".
The field of Traffic Signals and Traffic System Control is moving forward rapidly and the SNUG Workshop is an opportunity for traffic signal engineers, local authorities, traffic systems specialists, contractors, consultants and other practitioners to discuss current developments in Traffic Signals and Traffic System Control.
On that note, if you have been involved in anything that you believe will be of interest to the signals community, please consider doing a presentation at the workshop. A call for papers will be made shortly, or you can email us directly here.
Prepare your manager by getting this years SNUG into your Performance Review or Training Plans now!
Look out for further updates on the workshop details, call for papers, programme and registration shortly. 
From the chair Jeff Greenough, and the rest of the SNUG committee, we look forward to seeing you at the workshop in Christchurch in September.

You're invited to SCATS Webinar - September 2023
If you haven't registered yet, please join us to learn about the latest advancements in SCATS intelligent traffic management solutions and how we can provide valuable support for you. We look forward to sharing our knowledge and latest innovations to keep you ahead of the ITS curve. 

Meeting details
Mark your calendar for an insightful session on Monday 18th, September 2023. 
The scheduled webinar time will vary depending on which country you are in. See below for the time in your respective location:

Sydney, Brisbane & Melbourne Australia: 1:00 PM AEST
Perth, Australia: 11:00 AM AWST
Darwin & Adelaide, Australia: 12:30 PM ACST
Auckland, New Zealand: 3:00 PM NZST 

1. SCATS and Core version

Enhancements delivered in
Preview of what is coming next

We will provide an update on developments in the Core roadmap.

2. SCATS Suite of Operations Applications

Overview of SCATS Analytics, SCATS TMC operation and SCATS Alert bundles
SCATS offers a suite of operational applications known as the SCATS analytics, SCATS TMC operation, and SCATS alert bundles. They are designed to help you understand and manage your smart city efficiently and effectively.

3. SCATS Flexilink Data Generator and Link View applications

- Overview of benefits and features
- Demonstration of applications

The Flexilink data generator is a software application that simplifies the coordination of SCATS sites without centralised control. Link view is an application used to design, analyse, and optimise traffic signal coordination by visualising traffic flow.Click the button below to register
Register Here

Back in June we notified that the P43 committee was intending to look at what updates are required to P43.

We got quite a bit of feedback, and met in July to discuss the issues and potential changes.

These changes have been drafted, and were presented at SNUG.

At the time I asked for feedback on the changes, and so far we have only received feedback from a couple of individuals.

This either means that the rest of the industry is satisfied with the changes, or you've all been too busy to make comment.

The draft revision I presented from at SNUG is now available on the SNUG website, on the 2023 Presentations page.

If you are interested, can you please download the doc, and review the proposed changes?
If you have ideas where clarifications could be made, please email me.

What happens next?
In two weeks time the SNUG P43 committee will review any feedback, and release the updated P43. This will be added to the NZTA website, and linked form the SNUG website.

The annual SNUG workshop and conference in New Plymouth was a great success, with presentations from key industry personnel prompting great discussions and workshop outcomes. The industry-wide representation of delegates from traffic signal engineers, local authorities, traffic systems specialists, contractors, consultants and other practitioners allowed for some great networking and knowledge sharing.

New Plymouth provided a unique location, with the venue and SNUG dinner continuing the quality SNUG is known for.

The presentations are now available online at, on the 'Presentations' tab, for you to review for those extra details you want. Please share the link with any colleagues that you think would be interested in any of the content covered.

Welcome also to the new delegates we had this year (both in person, and virtually). Many of the first-time delegates indicated they wanted to be added to the SNUG email list - If you are in this group, welcome to these emails.

The next annual SNUG workshop will be held in Christchurch, aiming for a date in August 2024. Prepare your manager now as you evaluate your training and conference opportunities for the next year.

As usual, the quality of our annual workshop won't be half what it is without the interesting presentations from you, and the generous support of our sponsors.
Please remember our sponsors next time you need products or services.

From the chair Jeff Greenough, and the rest of the SNUG committee, we look forward to seeing you at one of our next events.

Gold Sponsors -
CSL Infrastructure,
Fusion Networks,
Spunlite Poles,
Traffic Systems Ltd (TSL)

Silver Sponsors -
Fulton Hogan,
Traffic Technologies Ltd,
Downer ITS

Tickets to the SNUG August 2023 Annual Workshop in New Plymouth are now on sale.

Earlybird tickets are available until 7 August. Get in early and don't pay more than you have to!

Like last year, we also have the option of virtual attendance by Microsoft Teams. You need to get a free ticket through the online ticketing system. Your ticket will contain the required information to join the workshop remotely.

To see more details, and to book your tickets, please click here.

Since 2019, we have used Trybooking for our ticketing, which allows us to do multiple bookings at the same time, along with other ticketing options.

The SNUG workshop is a great opportunity to share what you've been doing with the signals community. If you have something interesting to present, please contact Steve Wright or Alex Lumsden to show us all what you've been up to.

The annual SNUG workshop is a great chance to get together with other people who work in the signals industry. This includes contractors, consultants, designers, legislators, and RCA staff.

Credit Card payment is the only method of payment for the SNUG workshop. Please have your credit card handy when you book.

From SNUG Chair Jeff Greenough, and the rest of the SNUG committee, we look forward to seeing you in New Plymouth.

 March 16, 2021

Presentations Available Online

The March annual SNUG workshop and conference in Queenstown was a great success, with presentations from key industry personnel prompting great discussions and workshop outcomes. The industry-wide representation of delegates from traffic signal engineers, local authorities, traffic systems specialists, contractors, consultants and other practitioners allowed for some great networking and knowledge sharing.

Queenstown provided a picturesque location, with the venue and SNUG dinner being exceptional.

The presentations are now available on line from the 'Presentations' tab, for you to review for those extra details you want. Please share the link with any colleagues that you think would be interested in any of the content covered.

The next annual SNUG workshop will be held in Auckland, aiming for a date in March 2022. Prepare your manager now as you evaluate your training and conference opportunities for the next year.

From the chair Jeff Greenough, and the rest of the SNUG committee, we look forward to seeing you at one of our next events.

February 04, 2021

Tickets to the SNUG March 2021 Annual Workshop in Queenstown are now on sale.

Earlybird tickets are available until 28 February. Get in early and don't pay more than you have to!

To see more details, and to book your tickets, please click here. This year we are using Trybooking for our ticketing, which has allowed us to do multiple bookings at the same time, along with other ticketing options.

We have already had the first call for papers. If you have something interesting to present, please contact Steve Wright to show us all what you've been up to.

The annual SNUG workshop is a great chance to get together with other people who work in the signals industry. This includes contractors, consultants, designers, legislators, and RCA staff.

Credit Card payment is the only method of payment for the SNUG workshop. Please have your credit card handy when you book.

From SNUG Chair Jeff Greenough, and the rest of the SNUG committee, we look forward to seeing you in Queenstown.

 January 21, 2021

The SNUG 2021 Workshop will be held in Queenstown, on March 11 & 12 (Thursday & Friday).

There will be a pre-workshop networking opportunity in the late afternoon of the day before, on Wednesday 10th March.

The final venue will be confirmed shortly, but we have a pick of several locations in Queenstown.

Please support NZ businesses and come and enjoy the second-most beautiful part of New Zealand.

The flight schedules into Queenstown are restrictive, so please get permission from your manager, and book your flights early.

A link to purchase tickets will be shared shortly.

And now - the call for papers!

Have you done anything interesting recently that you would like to share with other signal-related professionals?

As usual, it is people like you who come along and share your experiences which really make this the success that it is each year.

We are now looking for people to supply content to make the 2021 annual workshop the best yet!

If you have anything that you would like to present, please email stephen.wright with details and a brief outline of what you would like to talk about, and how long you'll need to spill the beans on what you did.

Please have a think about what you've been involved with, and send that email to Steve Wright as soon as you can to secure your presenting spot.

From the SNUG chair Jeff Greenough, myself, and the rest of the SNUG committee, we look forward to seeing you in March, in (fairly) beautiful Queenstown!

 December 01, 2020

In September we in the SNUG committee sent out a link for a SurveyMonkey questionnaire.

We initiated this as we were having issues finding venues for the annual workshop. This venue issue is caused by a combination of hotels becoming isolation venues (and therefore not being available for conferences), and others not providing conference facilities due to uncertainty over the Covid situation.

This has reduced venue options, and pushed up pricing for available venues. The conditions for cancellation are not suitable for us, and increase the financial risk for the committee.

Added to this, is the current uncertainty over attendance, with some organisations still not allowing staff to attend workshops or conferences.

As such, and based on feedback from the questionnaire, the SNUG committee has made the decision to postpone this years workshop.

We are planning to attempt a one-day mini-workshop in Feb or March 2021. However, this will be dependent on some considerable loosening of the current constraints.

Since 2009, we have only missed one annual workshop. This was in 2011 and was caused by the double-whammy of the Christchurch Earthquakes, and the Rugby World Cup.

For those who are interested, the results of the survey can be found here.

If you have any questions, or need clarification on anything, please feel free to contact any member of the SNUG committee.

From SNUG Chair Jeff Greenough, myself, and the rest of the SNUG committee, we look forward to meeting you all in person soon.

Sean Lewis

2023 © All Rights Reserved, Signal New Zealand Group (SNUG)