SNUG 2024 Christchurch Presentations
SNUG 2023 New Plymouth Presentations
SNUG 2022
Auckland Presentations
SNUG 2021 
Queenstown Presentations
SNUG 2019 
Dunedin Presentations
SNUG 2018 
Hamilton Presentations
SNUG 2017 
Tauranga Presentations

SNUG 2023 New Plymouth Presentations

Day 1

  • 2023 Programme
  • Alex Lumsdon
  • The numbers
  • Brendon Tong
  • Whangarei & the NTA
  • Rogan Parker
  • ATOC (NZTA) Regional Update
  • John Kinghorn
  • Hamilton Regional Update
  • Duncan Wilson
  • Bay of Plenty / Taupo - (TTOC) Regional Update

  • Steen Bohanna & Councils
  • WTOC – Wellington (NZTA),
    Lower North Island & top of the South Regional Update

  • Jann Kuhlmann
  • Christchurch City
  • Blair McKeever
  • Dunedin Regional Update
  • TSL
  • Gold Sponsor Presentation – TSL
    Traffic Monitoring Case Study

  • Andrew Wurf
  • TfNSW SCATS Business & Roadmap Update for 2024
  • Thomas Teo
  • SCATS Technology Update - SCATS in the cloud (SCATS as a service) 

  • Alex Ramsey
  • How Connected Technologies will Improve Safety on our Roads (TfNSW)

  • Axel Downard-Wilke
  • The "Stops & Go's" of Traffic Signals - Updated topics for discussion
  • Neil Watson
  • Silver Sponsor Presentation - CSP
  • John Kinghorn
  • CIS & SFT Presentation
    Commissioning Documentation

  • Kahn Day
  • Gold Sponsor Presentation - CSLi
    Call to Cooperation & Collabration

  • Katie Dugan
  • Ka Huanui a Tuhuna
    Whakatipu Transport Programme Alliance

  • Megan Gregory
  • Pedestrian (and Cycle) Countdown Timers

  • Bert Beijnon
  • Silver Sponsor Presentation - Traffic Technologies Ltd
  • Andrew Gurr
  • Gold Sponsor Presentation - Fusion Networks
  • Axel Downard-Wilke
  • Transport Choices Project - New Plymouth
  • Grace Ryan
  • SH1 Tinwald Traffic Signals Presentation
  • Day 2

    David Evans
  • Gold Sponsor Presentation - Spunlite Poles
  • Sean Lewis
  • P43 Update - Draft Rev (changes in green highlight)
  • P43 Update - Interim Change Register
  • Ryan Cooney
  • NZGTTM NZ Guide for Temporary Traffic Management
  • Jeff Greenough
  • AGM & Chair Report
  • Richard Stewart
  • Safety Camera Programme [links to NZTA website]
  • TCD Update -
    - Directional Cycle Lanterns,
    - 2-Aspect Shard Ped / Cycle Signals
    - Left Turn on Red Arrow for Cyclists

  • SNUG 2022 Auckland Presentations


  • SNUG 2022 Programme
  • Attendees

  • Attendee List
  • Day 1

    Jeff Greenough
  • Workshop Ovedrview & Committee Update
  • Paul Addy
  • The Numbers - Presentation
  • The Numbers - Table
  • Mitch Tse
  • ATOC / Auckland Central Update (no presentation)
  • Brendon Tong
  • Whangarei & The NTA Regional Update
  • John Kinghorn
  • Hamilton Regional Update
  • Ray Young
  • CCC Christchurch Regional Update
  • TSL (Traffic Systems Ltd)
  • Smart City - Gold Sponsor Presentation
  • Steen Bohanna
  • WTOC Regional Update
  • Orville Reyes
  • WCC Regional Update
  • Duncan Wilson
  • T-TOC Tauranga Regional Update
  • Blair McKeever
  • Dunedin Regional Update
  • Iain McGlinchy
  • NZTA Update - Future Transport
  • CSLi
  • CSLi - Gold Sponsor Presentation
  • Rogan Parker
  • SCATS Management of Loop Faults & Pedestrian LoS
  • Jwee Seng Goy
  • A Novel Queue Detection Method
  • Kyle Ho
  • The Use of PowerBI in Signal Optimisation
  • Priya Augustine
  • Eastern Busway - The Challenge of Parallel Corridors
  • Jeff Greenough
  • TCD Update
  • Paul Addy
  • Design Standards & Templates
  • Steen Bohanna
  • ELV Equipment - The Way Forward?
  • Day 2

    Murray Burt
  • Public Transport Integration
  • Fulton Hogan
  • Silver Sponsor Presentation
  • John Kinghorn
  • CIS & Personality Commissioning
  • AdInsight SCATS Influence PoC - Interim Results
  • Sean Lewis
  • Presentation
      - ELV Streetlight Intergration,
     - ITS Summit AU Update,
     - Installation Quality Workmanship Challenge
  • ELV Streetlight Interim Specification
  • Jeff Greenough
  • Workshop Topics - P43 Updates
  • Michael Daley
  • Workshop Topic - Detection
  • Detectors in a Real-Time System
  • What is DS?
  • Steve Wright
  • Combined Cycle / Pedestrian Crossings
  • SNUG 2018 Hamilton Presentations


  • SNUG 2018 Programme
  • Photos

  • 2018 Photos (photos no longer available)
  • Attendees

  • Attendee List
  • Tech Tour

  • Programme
  • Tech Tour intro with John Kinghorn Presentation
  • Day 1

    Pre-break Videos
  • 01 How do Traffic light timings work
  • 02 Traffic lights or roundabouts
  • 03 What does the flashing red person mean
  • 04 What's one thing you'd change about traffic lights
  • Waikato Rugbys The Mooloo Song Audio
  • Waikato Rugbys The Mooloo Song Video
  • John Kinghorn
  • SNUG 2018 Intro Presentation
  • Working group Standards Presentation
  • Hamilton Regional Update Presentation
  • Full Incident Video
  • Pedestrian and vehicle classification Video
  • Sean Lewis
  • National Signals Specification, Education, Standards, Qualifications Presentation
  • CSLi Silver Sponsor
  • CSLi Silver Sponsor Video
  • Opito
  • How to program the Traffic Signal Project
  • Haydn Wardley
  • TTOC Update Presentation
  • Designs Presentation
  • Ray Young
  • CTOC Update Presentation
  • Rogan Parker
  • ATOC Update Presentation
  • Hjarne Poulson
  • DCC Update Presentation
  • Barnes Dance Intersections
  • Michael Deruytter
  • Silver Sponsor Presentation - FLIR
  • Alex Lumsdon & Oliver Brown
  • Shared Aspect Trial Presentation
  • Megan Gregory & Axel Wilke
  • New Direction in Cycle Signals Presentation
  • Andrew Liu
  • Signal Rest States Presentation
  • Megan Gregory & Axel Wilke
  • New Direction in Cycle Signals Presentation
  • John Kinghorn & Thomas Wood
  • Design for mid block traffic signals adjacent rail Presentation
  • Level Crossing Traffic signal interface
  • Notes from Kiwirail
  • Design Guidance for Pedestrian & Cycle Rail Crossings
  • Day 2

    Michael Daley
  • SMUG Update Presentation
  • SCATS Update Presentation
  • SCATS Non-Core Products Presentation
  • Jeff Greenough
  • P43/TCD Update Presentation
  • Fabian Marsh
  • Raised safety platforms at signals Presentation
  • Bridget Feary & Paul Addy
  • Geometric Design for signals Presentation
  • Controller Locations Slideshow Video
  • Dual Right Turns Video
  • Offset Right Turn Bays Video
  • Pedestrian and Cyclist Slideshow Video
  • Poles Slideshow Video
  • Right Left Turns Video
  • SID Slideshow Video
  • Ann Fosberry
  • Roundabout metering Presentation
  • Pyes Rd Roundabout Video 1
  • Pyes Rd Roundabout Image
  • Pyes Rd Roundabout Video 2
  • Rogan Parker & Janine Pringle
  • Part time Barnes Dance Presentation
  • Gold Sponsor Presentation - HMI
  • HMI Technologies - World Leading Intelligent Transport Systems Video
  • Philip Manning
  • Siemens RTO Presentation
  • Alex Lumsdon
  • Christchurch Red Light Camera Trial Presentation
  • John Kinghorn
  • Tron Mini Topics
  • Andrew Liu
  • Understanding Road User Behaviour and Traffic Signal Design Presentation
  • SNUG Sponsors Presentation
  • TSL Presentation
  • Slido Questions & Poll Results
  • Slido Questions
  • Slido Poll Results
  • 2023 © All Rights Reserved, Signal New Zealand Group (SNUG)