Back in June we notified that the P43 committee was intending to look at what updates are required to P43.
We got quite a bit of feedback, and met in July to discuss the issues and potential changes.
These changes have been drafted, and were presented at SNUG.
At the time I asked for feedback on the changes, and so far we have only received feedback from a couple of individuals.
This either means that the rest of the industry is satisfied with the changes, or you've all been too busy to make comment.
The draft revision I presented from at SNUG is now available on the SNUG website, on the 2023 Presentations page.
If you are interested, can you please download the doc, and review the proposed changes?
If you have ideas where clarifications could be made, please email me.
What happens next?
In two weeks time the SNUG P43 committee will review any feedback, and release the updated P43. This will be added to the NZTA website, and linked form the SNUG website.