SNUG 2023 Presentations Online

The annual SNUG workshop and conference in New Plymouth was a great success, with presentations from key industry personnel prompting great discussions and workshop outcomes. The industry-wide representation of delegates from traffic signal engineers, local authorities, traffic systems specialists, contractors, consultants and other practitioners allowed for some great networking and knowledge sharing.

New Plymouth provided a unique location, with the venue and SNUG dinner continuing the quality SNUG is known for.

The presentations are now available online at, on the 'Presentations' tab, for you to review for those extra details you want. Please share the link with any colleagues that you think would be interested in any of the content covered.

Welcome also to the new delegates we had this year (both in person, and virtually). Many of the first-time delegates indicated they wanted to be added to the SNUG email list - If you are in this group, welcome to these emails.

The next annual SNUG workshop will be held in Christchurch, aiming for a date in August 2024. Prepare your manager now as you evaluate your training and conference opportunities for the next year.

As usual, the quality of our annual workshop won't be half what it is without the interesting presentations from you, and the generous support of our sponsors.
Please remember our sponsors next time you need products or services.

From the chair Jeff Greenough, and the rest of the SNUG committee, we look forward to seeing you at one of our next events.

Gold Sponsors -
CSL Infrastructure,
Fusion Networks,
Spunlite Poles,
Traffic Systems Ltd (TSL)

Silver Sponsors -
Fulton Hogan,
Traffic Technologies Ltd,
Downer ITS

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