November 08, 2018
s and control.
We had a number of polls during the workshop, with the results available on the Presentations page of the SNUG website.
We discussed the existence and use of the SNUG forum. Since then, there are a number of new posts placed on the forum.
Please go to the SNUG forum, review the topics, and contribute with your advice.
Think of the forum as an extension of the annual workshop, where others can view your questions, and you can help others out with your opinions and experience.
The presentations are now available on the SNUG website, along with a collection of photos taken by Sergio of SP Electronics.
Go to, and select 'Presentations' from the menu.
There are a couple of new topics in the forum that we would like to hear your thoughts on.
- Should we allow filter turning through cycleway movements? Megan and Axel have suggested several discussion points plus ViaStrada’s current position – they’d like your input to the forum discussion:
- Should we be keeping the red man lit at all times (except during 'walk' time) -
We are also extending a special 'thank you' to John Kinghorn, and his team (Brandon, Holly & Dale), for the extra effort they put in as the hosts. We have received a lot of positive feedback form delegates in the last week.
Please remember that these workshops are made possible with the help from our sponsors.
Gold Sponsors -
HMI Technologies,
Spunlite Poles,
Fusion Networks.
Silver Sponsors -
And our Bronze Sponsors -
HTS Group,
From SNUG Chair, Jeff Greenough, and the rest of the SNUG committee, thank you for your attendance in Hamilton. And if you couldn't come, please take some time to go over the presentations and pre-break videos.